Since my initial diploma in physiotherapy in 2003 in Lausanne (Switzerland), I did many post-graduate trainings in different manual therapies (muscular, articular, neuro-dynamics, vascular, visceral) and in other domains too.
In 2018 during a manual therapy sport course I can test the efficiency of counterstrain techniques. To say it briefly, this concept and particularly the current approach of FCS allowed me a better undertstanding of the "why" of my successes and failures. And each novel FCS course allows me to overcome the previous lacks.
Below my current curriculum in the FCS and Strain counterstrain modalities.
FCS_MSK-C Système musculo-squelettique : cartilages et fascia superficiel
FSC_Tendon lymphatic chains
online convention 2021, rationale, scars
FCS_VC Système viscéral
FCS_AR Système artériel
FCS_MSK-P Système musculo-squelettique: osseux + End-Plate
FCS_ Tests d'inhibitions et de mobilité
FCS_MSK1 Ligaments & chaînes musculaires
FCS_V/L 1 & 2 Système veineux-lymphatique
FCS_1 Foudations
Strain Counterstrain for the cranial & temporo Mandibular dysfunctions
The three modules of the "classic" Jones strain counterstrain