address 9555 SW Barnes Road Suite 210
Portland, Oregon 97225
United States of America
Counterstrain Portland
CS Instructor Status 3-Day Intro Instructor for: FI, VC, AR, LV, N1, N2, MS1, MS2; CSA Instructor for: Intro, VC, AR, LV, N1, N2, MSK-SL, MSK-P Counterstrain Certifications CSC III Introductory Courses Foundations of Fascial Counterstrain (F1), Visceral (VS), Arterial Dysfunction (AR), Myochains and Spinal Ligs (MS1), Periosteal Dysfunction (MS2), Cartilage / SF dysfunction (MS3), Cranial Periosteum and Cartilage (CSS1), Endplate Supplemental (MS2 SUP), Epidural Ligament Supplemental (N1 SUP), Astrocytes, mediastinum & Sulcal Vessels (CSS2), Adipose, Tendon-lymphatic Chains, Lymphatic-Venous part 1 (LV1), Lymphatic-Venous part 2 (LV2), ANS & CRANIAL NERVES (N1), FCS Diagnostics, (N2) Dura, Dural Tube & Somatics, Neural Lower Quadrant (N2), Neural Upper Quadrant (N1), Lymphatic Venous Combined (2014) Counterstrain Mastery Programs CSA Module 2: Counterstrain for the Visceral System, CSA Module 1 Intro: Counterstrain and the Cranial Scan, CSA Module 3: Counterstrain for the Lymphatic/Venous System, CSA Module 4: Counterstrain for the Arterial System, CSA Module 5: Counterstrain for the Nervous System, Part 1, CSA Module 6: Counterstrain for the Nervous System, Part 2, CSA Module 7: Counterstrain for the Musculoskeletal System, Part 1, CSA Module 8: Counterstrain for the Periosteum, MS Part 2, CS Convention 2019 Mod 1, CS Convention 2019 Mod 2, CS Convention 2019 Mod 3, Counterstrain Convention 2019, CS Convention 2023, SRT

Timothy Hodges, LMT, JSCCI, CACI, CSC I

Tim has worked in the field of physical rehabilitation since 1996. He has spent the last 16 years honing his skills in the clinical application of Fascial Counterstrain and the last 10 years designing and optimizing training programs renowned for producing highly-skilled practitioners. Tim has worked as an assistant instructor with the Jones Institute since 2004, where he earned his board level certification. He is one of two instructors certified by Brian Tuckey, PT to teach Fascial Counterstrain and has helped to develop many of the techniques used today. He continues to apply his expertise in the field through private treatment at Counterstrain Portland, developing the Counterstrain Academy mastery program curriculum and instruction manuals and through the mentorship of healthcare practitioners in the Counterstrain Academy, which now offers its mastery program training in multiple locations throughout the country.