Kyle was formally trained as a Naturopath, practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a Shiatsu and Remedial Massage Therapist. He has attended at least once: all the Classic Jones Counterstrain courses courses offered through the Jones Institute in Australia from 2010-2013; and all the Fascial Counterstrain courses offered in Australia from 2014-2019. In Oct 2019 he attended the first Counterstrain Mastery course ever offered in Australia by the Counterstrain Academy, in Melbourne. After some wonderful clinical results, he is passionate about introducing his clients to this wonderful system of assessment and treatment, especially since, as a Naturopath, his clients present for help with far more than just musculo-skeletal problems! He practises from Guanaba, and Mudgeeraba, two different clinic locations in Queensland, Australia. Please feel free to call or book online at either location through the 'Online Booking Portal' link on the Conscious Healing Website Front Page, or through the links on the Appointments Tab.