address 99 Whatley Cres
Bayswater, western australia 6053
CS Instructor Status N/A
Counterstrain Certifications CSC I Introductory Courses Foundations of Fascial Counterstrain (F1), Visceral (VS), Neural Lower Quadrant (N2), Neural Upper Quadrant (N1), Periosteal Dysfunction (MS2), Cartilage / SF dysfunction (MS3), Myochains and Spinal Ligs (MS1), Arterial Dysfunction (AR), Adipose, Lymphatic-Venous part 2 (LV2), Lymphatic-Venous part 1 (LV1), Cranial Periosteum and Cartilage (CSS1), Astrocytes, mediastinum & Sulcal Vessels (CSS2), ANS & CRANIAL NERVES (N1), Tendon-lymphatic Chains, (N2) Dura, Dural Tube & Somatics Counterstrain Mastery Programs CSA Module 1 Intro: Counterstrain and the Cranial Scan, CS Convention 2019 Mod 1, Counterstrain Convention 2019, CS Virtual Convention 2020, CSA Module 2: Counterstrain for the Visceral System, CS Convention 2023, CSA Module 7: Counterstrain for the Musculoskeletal System, Part 1

Billy Gascoyne, Podiatrist, Manual Therapist

Billy is an Australian based podiatrist interested in complex pain and injury. After being dissatisfied with the current models of treatment, he began to search for 'alternatives' to help patients and his own sports injuries. Billy attended and experienced as many modalities as possible in a search to find the missing link. Thanks to an osteopath in Melbourne, Counterstrain was introduced.