As practicing physical therapist since 1985, I was first exposed to Counterstrain when I attended a seminar which was given by Lawrence Jones D.O.. (the originator of the counterstrain technique.) I quickly realized that counterstrain was a powerful tool that enabled me to address some of the more recalcitrant problems that my more complex patients presented with which I had previously been unable to help. After that initial course I went on to be certified in the counterstrain in 2003 through the Jones Institute. The next big revelation with my counterstrain experience was when attended my first seminar with Brian Turkey in 2008 where I was introduced to the fascial counterstrain concept in which Brian was applying to the counterstrain concept to fascial system. This has opened my practice to treating patient with conditions that I never imagined would be treatable within the world of physical therapy. I have since attended all the new fascial seminars as Brian has released them and starting this year, I have started training through the counterstrain academy to help perfect my mastery of fascial counterstrain.