address 47 Wantley Street
Warwick, Queensland 4370
61 427763855
CS Instructor Status N/A
Introductory Courses Foundations of Fascial Counterstrain (F1), Visceral (VS), Lymphatic Venous Combined (2014), Arterial Dysfunction (AR), Neural Upper Quadrant (N1), Neural Lower Quadrant (N2), Myochains and Spinal Ligs (MS1), Periosteal Dysfunction (MS2), Cartilage / SF dysfunction (MS3), Cranial Periosteum and Cartilage (CSS1), Endplate Supplemental (MS2 SUP), Epidural Ligament Supplemental (N1 SUP), Astrocytes, mediastinum & Sulcal Vessels (CSS2), Tendon-lymphatic Chains, Adipose, Lymphatic-Venous part 1 (LV1), Lymphatic-Venous part 2 (LV2), (N2) Dura, Dural Tube & Somatics, ANS & CRANIAL NERVES (N1) Counterstrain Mastery Programs CSA Module 2: Counterstrain for the Visceral System, CSA Module 1 Intro: Counterstrain and the Cranial Scan, CS Convention 2019 Mod 1, Counterstrain Convention 2019, CS Virtual Convention 2020, CS Convention 2023, CSA Module 8: Counterstrain for the Periosteum, MS Part 2

Penelope Hope, Physiotherapist

I have been working with Counterstrain techniques for a long time now and as the techniques have become increasingly more refined and system specific their ability to provide enormous relief from pain and change in body function is a wonderful tool to have for my patients. I am continuing to do more courses as the new knowledge becomes available to provide my patients with the most up to date care available. The techniques are gentle and non invasive and the results astounding