Kellie Barnes MOMT, MPT, CSC I, is the founder of Core Physical Therapy LLC.
Kellie has been practicing physical therapy since 1993. She recognized that physical therapy was her calling at age 12, while volunteering at a local hospital. She earned a bachelor’s degree in biology (1991) and a master’s degree in physical therapy (1993) at the University of Delaware. In 1997 she completed her post-graduate residency training in orthopedic manual therapy through the Ola Grimsby Institute. She received her master’s degree in orthopedic manual therapy in 1999 and passed her clinical and written exams for a doctorate degree in orthopedic manual therapy in 2005. In 2022 Kellie passed the certification for Fascial Counterstrain level I. Kellie was honored to be part of the first group of instructors in training taking this examination which included written, oral, and practical examination.
Kellie’s introduction to Counterstrain began under Dr. Lawrence Jones DO in 1994. However, it was the development of Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) by Brian Tuckey PT, OCS, JSCCI and the education received through the Counterstrain Academy that most influenced her practice. In 2019 Kellie was honored to be invited to be part of the instructor training program for the Counterstrain Academy. Kellie is committed to sharing this work with clients and healthcare practitioners.
Kellie has a wide range of clinical experience including specializing in rehabilitation of the spine, shoulder, and lower extremities. However, she has a strong interest in how various systems of the body may be interacting together to perpetuate complex health conditions.
Viewing the body as a whole, she recognizes the complex relationships between mechanical and systemic sources of tissue injury and inflammation. She has extensive experience treating individuals with complex health conditions including post-concussive syndrome, traumatic brain injury, whiplash, craniocervcial instability, tethered cord, POTS/Dysautonomia, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, chronic Lyme disease, co-infections, mast cell activation syndrome, mycotoxin/mold toxicity, complex regional pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, and ME/CFS.
Kellie’s training enables her to understand the relationship between hormones, metabolic changes, and the immune system, and how these systems can affect inflammation, drainage, and the health of collagen. Due to her interest in systemic inflammation and fascia she treats many clients with complex health conditions.
Kellie finds joy in helping clients and uses FCS to navigate and treat complex clinical presentations. She believes each client’s health condition is unique. Kellie is grateful for FCS, and its gentle but effective results that allow clients to achieve wellness each day.